New Moon Taurus – May 2016 – Full Load

New Moon Taurus

Another month, another New Moon. Grab your shovels, and plant some seeds, as I’m seeing quite a bit of… fertilizer. Hey, it makes plants grow, and plants give us good stuff. Just get ready to duck!

This New Moon is in a hell of a place, and in a good way. An earthy Grand Trine to Pluto retrograde and Jupiter retrograde, and arguably North Node as well, depending on how wide an orb you apply to the North Node aspect. Grand Trines are easier, almost too easy at times (depending on what’s involved in natal charts. This is transit though). Let’s consider this: Some people may just be coasting thinking that things are starting to wind down, while others will be idling and pondering their next moves. This could be a mistake, given the Neptune opposition to Jupiter retrograde, so we have a bit of a wide Kite here.

Grand Trine Kite occurs when we have three planets or points trine one another in three different signs, and when one of those planets have an opposition to another body or point. The opposing planet is essentially pulling the bowstring and bringing a focus to the kited planet. In this case, Jupiter retrograde. And Jupiter is all but Station Direct right now, slowing down for it to regain forward momentum on May 9th. So Jupiter is going to have some pretty big focus right now being at a standstill. As far as the North Node… Neptune’s too wide to consider for that with a 9 degree orb. So we’ll ignore it here.

Jupiter is also featured in a T-Square to Neptune, apex at Saturn retrograde and to a much lesser degree, Mars retrograde. Saturn’s still going backwards and is a bit of a downer right now, and Mars retrograde is still slowing down actions and smoldering. Engage in healthy releases as much as possible I say. Especially as we have Mars retrograde quincunx Venus/Apophis right now. Some unstable passions that we don’t know what to do with, kinda hot, but kinda want to stand ground. Could wreck a good thing if not careful. Might go out with a whimper though, or not as bad as it could if it goes that way, given Mars trine Kaali, an amplifier.

Let’s get into the asteroids though, as these are very interesting. New Moon conjunct asteroids Lie and Dudu… Let’s be honest here, this cycle we are going to see a lot that is full of crap. New Moon quincunx Saturn retrograde along with those two asteroids tells me that people are going to get called out on their crap and not sure how to take it. Likely, we ourselves will be called out, maybe calling ourselves out on our own crap, like bad habits (such as me staying up so late and putting things off. Not a good thing as I’m out of a job as of the end of … today! Yeah, that’s kinda bumming me out a little but I’m sure I’ll find something soon enough. Enough of the personal note though!)…

Pholus trine Dejanira/Hekate trine Lucifer/Swindle for an asteroid Fire Grand Trine… might see some resolutions or revelations come to light of certain scandals or news involving victims. I would not be surprised to see some developments in a few cases pending trial or where justice was already meted out, such as Bill Cosby (not much news on that trial lately), or Jared the former Subway spokeman (who isn’t having such a great time in prison. Can’t imagine why. Hmm). Ixion also trining Hekate/Dejanira… yeah, might see some bruised egos here soon.

Lucifer opposite Buysballot/Lamb and Lucifer quincunx Pinocchio suggests to me that in this cycle, we will see some who will be riding high on lies and false promises, though the opposition implies a possible pride before a fall, or the air being let out of a lead balloon. (Lucifer from what I have seen denotes pride more than anything else.

Pinocchio semisextile Buysballot/Lamb suggests further falsehoods to me leading to some successes on the backs of those who fall in line and march to the standard beat. In short, and not to beat a dead horse, the typical portrayal of Donald Trump’s base. (I really need to chart Election Day and see how this is going to go with the candidates).

Pandora Opposite Narcissus, Apex New Moon/Lie/Dudu in a T-Square: Yes, a Pandora’s Box is pretty much already opened at this point. And what’s flying out of it has people talking, and yes, we are seeing a lot of ego being blown about. This month is going to be quite intense.

Kassandra conjunct South Node: Warnings from the past are being sounded, but I can guarantee you that they’re going to be ignored, as Kassandra represents warnings given and no one listening until it’s too late.

Lucifer/Swindle opposite Eros/Medusa, apex Vesta conjunct Fixed Star Algol: Not a good star for the asteroid of fighting for one’s beliefs and the sacred flame to be on. Sextile Chiron, however, slightly mitigates this unfortunate influence. But probably not all that much. We can expect to see more sex scandals and probably another prominent player laid low by past indiscretions, and likely via betrayal by way of a woman or female figure. We also have Cupido conjunct Messalina, both retrograde and off-sign between Libra and Scorpio, so that minor influence is also in the mix, as well as Nymphe trine Aphrodite, both romance asteroids. Be above-board in your romantic relationships, and expect to see someone hoisted by their own petard with their pants down is what I’m seeing for this lunar cycle.

Political world example of the transits leading up to this New Moon: Donald Trump just effectively secured the Republican Party Nomination. You could argue he doesn’t have to do as much there now. But his battle may just be beginning. It’s apparent to the other parties now (counting the third parties as well as Democrats) that the one who was not expected to win the nomination just effectively won it. The Donald’s basically representing the Grand Trine Kite, while Cruz/Kasich could best be described by the T-Square (and they just suspended their campaigns, so this kinda goes along with the Mars/Saturn retrogrades). And of course, the Hitler/Mussolini comparisons are flying harder now, and still the momentum is still going.

I’d love to analyze more of this New Moon, but honestly, I need sleep before my last day at work. (Just because it’s my last day doesn’t mean I don’t have stuff to finish up!) So yeah there’s going to be plenty of crap this month, but that crap could grow some good things down the road. Be very much aboveboard in your relationships, and you might weather the storm and grow a stronger bond (or perhaps a new one if it comes down to it). Anyways, I’m fading. Sleep time for this astrologer.