The second full moon of Sagittarius has arrived, and this is a very powerful one. It takes place on the Summer Solstice (Winter in the southern hemisphere), and this hasn’t happened in almost 70 years. Also won’t happen again until maybe the 2090’s, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime event for many people. Take full advantage of the energy of this period if you can, and where advantageous to do so!

The Full Moon makes an off-sign Opposition to Venus, so with the Sun offsign-conjunct (Sun in Gemini at that moment while Venus is in Pisces), we have an emphasis on relationships, romance, sex, and what attracts us as well as minor jobs. Some people will undoubtedly change jobs or begin new ones this period. The Full Moon also T-Squares Chiron, so we’re going to see a bit of catharsis. Venus is a bit wide to square Chiron but it’s subtly there and thus part of the T-Square as well.
Venus in Cancer trine 2601 Bologna retrograde and Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio should allow us to see through some nonsense, I’d think. However, 2601 Bologna also quincunxes 564 Dudu and 26955 Lie in Gemini at the same time. White lies I think will backfire, but deliberate and malicious lies are still going to be damaging. They’re not conjunct tightly like they were during the previous new moon, and thankfully both off of Algol. Since that new moon we’ve seen more BS fly, to be sure, and we’re still in that New Moon cycle. 3811 Karma’s involvement with Venus here, and forming a Water Grand Trine altogether with Nessus retrograde are going to bring some strong emotions to the surface. This would be the culmination of a cycle where people in dysfunctional relationships or those who are in toxic emotional entanglements… I believe we’re going to see some resolutions here, a calling out on bullshit, capitulations of sorts. Also communities standing up and speaking out against obsessive, abusive and/or intimidating behavior, like what we’re seeing post-Orlando.
Let’s focus on the big elephant on the room for a bit now… The Grand Cross between Jupiter/North Node in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and Mercury in Gemini. We seem to keep getting Grand Crosses being formed with the Neptune/Jupiter/Saturn T-Square at critical points with major planets lately, during the last New Moon and Full Moon, and that carries over through the rest of the cycle. Jupiter and North Node together very tightly during the Full Moon is emphasizing our pursuits in expansion, in gaining, and with Jupiter not really at home in Virgo, it’s a lot of hard work to get that gain. Yet at the same time, the Neptune retrograde in South Node in Pisces, that just strikes out as wanting to retreat inward in escapism, or us resorting to self-medication with drugs, with alcohol, too many video games, too many Netflix movies… too much sex? (Is there such a thing?)… Saturn square both, and retrograde, we’re self-sabotaging ourselves in ways that are insidious. Ways that we probably aren’t even catching ourselves doing. Now, Mercury completing the Grand Cross as it speeds through Gemini… There’s going to be conversations about what we do with all of this. Keep in mind, this is also the time period where new fiscal years are coming about for some companies as well, at least those that start theirs in July, so that takes effect before the end of this Lunar Cycle. We’re going to see a reckoning, I think, in terms of markets, and in terms of balance sheets, checkbooks, it’s… not going to be pretty. We also have asteroid 10961 Buysballot involved on the Neptune arm of the Grand Cross as well, so we’re going to see more stories about electoral shenanigans. And how timely, as this comes right before the time of the upcoming Brexit vote too. As disillusionment of the EU grows in the United Kingdom, I am expecting to see a vote for “Exit” win out. But to whose benefit? The Primaries are largely done for the Presidential race in the United States, with the conventions next month as well. That will be during the next lunar cycle entirely, so we’ll look more at that then.
Personal-life wise, this Grand Cross will affect different people differently of course, depending on the layout of their natal charts and personal inclinations. My own natal Neptune around 15 Sagittarius (station direct in my chart, I might add) is getting hammered by this, and Neptune’s generational, so a bunch of us are probably facing our inner disillusionments right now. I’ll admit some of my more lofty ambitions haven’t been working out so well lately, and I’m still adjusting. Other planets being directly impacted by the spokes of the Grand Cross will face different challenges, of course.
Pluto retrograde trine Jupiter and North Node should help with the grand cross just a bit, as Pluto retrograde also sextiles Neptune retrograde. If we’re wise, we can use this longer-lasting period of the remainder of the cycle to look within and see exactly where we’re sabotaging ourselves, and maybe even put an end to much of it.
3412 Kafka opposite 4179 Toutatis retrograde… we’re already seeing some screwed up crap happening. Such as the freak accident that claimed the life of Anton Yelchin at age 27. Very bizarre, and very tragic. Frankly, this seems to be a time period of tragedies that defy logic and defy our sense of stability.
Mars retrograde trine Chiron, well, Mars is beginning to slow down in preparation for its Station Direct on June 29th. We should start seeing some healing happening, though we should expect more wounding before that healing comes. The fact that Mars Quincunxes a stellium of Uranus, Eris, Ceres and 875 Nymphe also shows us that we’re going to face more rash actions, homewrecking actions, and people aren’t going to know what to make of it. There is a lot of chaos in this setup, and Nymphe being there, I can almost guarantee sex is going to play a part in whatever homesteads break apart at this time.
Mars retrograde also T-Squares 389 Industria, 258 Tyche, and 4227 Kaali in Leo on one side, and 151 Abundantia (station retrograde) and 19 Fortuna in Aquarius on the other side. Again, fiscal years are coming up for many companies… and governments! State governments, at least in Pennsylvania (where I once lived), well, that state (commonwealth, really) in particular are to have a budget enacted by July 1st. I can almost guarantee you that that’s not getting done on time this year. (I’m not even sure Pennsylvania actually passed a budget for last year, maybe they did, but for a long while when I last checked they didn’t). I’m calling it right now: budgetting shortfalls and arguments are going to be a hallmark of the next month or two, and it’s going to be contentious, but we may see some relief in this once Mars goes direct and the next New Moon hits. Full relief won’t happen until Mars gets out of the post-retrograde shadow period a couple months later. Saturn will station direct on August 13th, so we still have a few months of hard lessons yet even after this Full Moon period ends and the next lunar cycle begins. Expect talk of new taxes, fees, and other unpleasant expenses related to regulations when people take a second look at finances.
For the final focal point, we should be fortunate Venus trines Nessus, as Nessus retrograde is making a contentious stellium conjuncting 149 Medusa, 16089 Lamb, Pallas, and 433 Eros. This opposes 1930 Lucifer and 8690 Swindle. Yeah, so the chaos and homewrecking of Uranus and it’s lovely little stellium will be amplified a bit by this other opposition. Pride and keeping up appearances are going to play a large part in this, and probably some bitterness regarding betrayal, likely by women or women-minded individuals, will play a large part of this. Infidelity, or perceived infidelity, is a strong possibilty, and with Nessus retrograde, participants in this are likely to question why they do this to themselves (and probably the other). Or they’ll wonder why things got to this point. But for some, of course, it’ll be business as usual.
This is shaping up to be a rough period for a lot of people, and some hard decisions must be made. Keep believing in yourself, or believe in yourself again if you’ve lost the faith… and keep moving forward. It’s what we have to do. Until the next trial by fire, stay cool.
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