This posting is coming a little late and the Full Moon has already passed, so hopefully things are going good for you all. I do have a valid reason for this, as I recently ran into computer issues. After a failed attempt at cloning the old hard drive (this after upgrading to Windows 10 on an already-borked Windows 8.1 install), I was forced to do a clean install on a new hard drive. (99.99% of my previous data was salvageable so fret not, I didn’t really lose anything! Reinstalling ALL of my software, however, is a real pain in the…). Anyways, enough about my computer misadventures. Let’s get into this…

This Full Moon is part of a Water Grand Trine Kite! Sun in Cancer trines Mars in Scorpio and Chiron retrograde in Pisces, with the bowstring pulled by the moon itself!. This does not seem to happen very often, so this Full Moon has undoubtedly had a major effect on us all! Sun trine Mars leads us to a more productive, but potentially also lazy time (such as resting on laurels after a (perceived) victory assured), but the potential to get things done that need done is still there and likely already has been done (such as me reinstalling my laptop). Sun trine Chiron retrograde gives us a time period where we can do much internal healing after much struggle, and this hasn’t been the easiest of lunar cycles. By now the Sun’s rays may have revealed to you what it is that needed to be healed. Mars trine Chiron retrograde allows us to take advantage of the exposure and begin the work of working on that inner healing now. The moon opposing the sun at this point tells us that our emotions are at odds with our ego, or perhaps maternal/mother issues are at odds with our egos as well. Perhaps some of us didn’t treat a woman in our life (mother, girlfriend, potential could-have-been girlfriend, etc.) fairly and now we see the error of our ways? Moon sextile both Mars and Chiron retrograde (thus making a Minor Grand Trine by itself) at this stage of the Full Moon will show that we have some emotional impact, but not debilitatingly so. Being opposed by Sun, well, our egos are still going to get in the way a little. The Moon is also conjunct 4179 Toutatis and 6583 Destinn, so we may be trying to protect our own emotional state at this time or perhaps motherly issues are being protected. Destinn being here isn’t bad, as we have a good chance of succeeding in this time of healing.
Do be warned though, it won’t be an easy road with Full Moon forming a T-square to Uranus. Uranus itself is apex this T-Square, so there’s a good chance of a bit of rebellion against the healing and active energies of the Grand Trine. The Sun and Moon themselves also square 763 Cupido and 545 Messalina on the other side as well, though they themselves are out of orb of opposing Uranus. We can expect that issues relating to people charming others for the sake of promiscuity or other goods is not outside the realm of possibility.
Mercury conjunct Venus, both trine Saturn retrograde, shows an excellent potential of communications and travel benefiting us at this time. Venus in the conjunction shows that we should expect events and communications pertaining to romance and perhas some minor money or aesthetical gain to go favorably. Trine Saturn retrograde, we may see ourselves invoking a little more self-discipline to go out there and negotate some favorable gains. We need to make sure our expectations are realistic though, as this could blow up in our face if we get too carried away. This is represented by Saturn retrograde square Neptune retrograde and South Node. If we are not careful, we could get caught up in thoughts or daydreams (or nightmares, perhaps) of the past… this runs the danger of sabotaging this period of potential gain and healing, and thus would lead to more wounding if we don’t escape it. Don’t even think of doing anything underhanded or shady, as it will likely come out.
Jupiter is applying to an opposition to Chiron retrograde, which will continue to get stronger over the next few weeks. The caveat to this time period is that, while we have the potential for some good gains, especially with Pluto retrograde trine Jupiter and the North Node, we will have our work cut out for us due to the aforementioned Node-Saturn-Neptune T-Square.
Now, given that during the Full Moon period we have just seen Donald Trump become the official nominee at the Republican National Convention, this would be a good time to look at a particular asteroid T-Square. While there are no major bodies making major aspects to any of these particular asteroids from what I can tell, 26955 Lie in Gemini apexes 8690 Swindle in Virgo opposing 10961 Buysballot in Pisces. That event happening during that T-square is a little interesting, and I thought I would mention it, especially with that name… Buysballot. To be fair, we must also note that within a week or so of this T-square happening with the Full Moon, the Democratic National Convention will be held July 25-28th in Philadelphia, PA. So we can expect the controversies to continue. After all, both Hillary and Trump are not exactly the most-revered people in the Presidential contention arena right now, and yet both are frontrunners/nominees (Trump officially, and Hillary soon to follow it seems). As for the Melania speech plagiarism controversy… well, the Lie/Swindle/Buysballot T-square represents that too, I think.
Finally, I’m going to note the Fire Grand Trine with Uranus, Eris, and 4386 Lust in Aries, 1388 Aphrodite in Leo, and Ixion/Pholus in Sagittarius, with Aphrodite kited by 19 Fortuna in Aquarius. Really, the focus I would look at in this is the Aries point in this Grand Trine, as Uranus is the only major body in this. Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolution, breaking the rules, and general chaos, conjunct Eris, the dwarf planet representing (to me) discord and chaos… well, I think that definitely sums up what the hell is happening lately, what with the presidential election, the Black Lives Matter protests over actual and perceived abuses by police, and the retaliatory attacks (and other attacks) on police officers. 4386 Lust there, well, we did have the revelation in the Bill Cosby story that he’s now “completely blind and homebound” and life described as a “living hell.” Hmm, but the people over the years that have apparently been victimized not having their lives turned into a living hell all this time? I dunno… (Yes, he has not been convicted in a court of law, yet his innocence is not looking very likely either from my personal standpoint. Perhaps I shouldn’t throw stones quite yet). Maybe that Fortuna/Aphrodite opposition, and the uninvolved (by way of aspects) Pallas conjunct Nessus retrograde has something to say about this as well. Pallas strikes me as a stroke of justice for some reason in this instance, though it’s likely his eyesight was failing for a while now and is only now being reported. Pallas is named for Pallas Athene (or Athena), born from the forehead of Zeus fully grown and ready to fight.
With Pallas conjunct Nessus retrograde, perhaps this is the time to defend ourselves against our own obsessions, or abuses of ourselves. There do seem to be other supporting healing aspects (espectially the Full Moon Grand Trine Kite involving Chiron), so we can make great progress here.
This is where I’m going to leave off. Again, this was late due to technical issues, and I’m starting to ramble now. Let’s see where the rest of this lunar cycle takes us until the New Moon in August.
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