What we’ve been waiting for is finally coming: Mercury Direct. While we’ll still be in the post-retrograde shadow period, we’ll be seeing some much-needed celestial relief pretty soon. We still have some high-intensity energies we need to drive on through, though.

Mercury Station Direct conjuncts Mars on Regulus at this time, which gives us an off-sign conjunction as Mars is now in Virgo. Mercury won’t be in Leo for long, so we have a bit of waning fire energy at this time for the going forward. But this also means the more stable, but mutable, earth energies will be coming to the fore, and this gives us a little more stable foundation to find some footing. Mercury and Mars are also opposing the Moon at this time, which gives us a sense that events could make us feel a little uneasy, but we also know it’s a time of moving forward. Mercury also quincunxes Chiron retrograde, so whatever we realized wasn’t working during the retrograde? It’s time to heal it and move forward. With Mercury sextile 42355 Typhon, both forming that Yod to Chiron retrograde, we could find some major cathartic healing when we now realize what is no longer working for us, and this is a good time to start a new action plan to bring us some recovery. But remember, we still have a couple weeks before Mercury leaves the post-retrograde shadow period around September 19th, so until then, expect a few more bumps.
Mercury is also apexing a T-Square with some notable asteroids, such as 407 Arachne opposite 2629 Rudra and Sedna (on Algol). Exercise a bit of caution, as even though we’re finally moving forward with goals, there will be that which will snare us, and we can also expect some masculine betrayals as well. Rudra also squares Mars, so we really, really need to keep a cool head about things, lest we stumble into a trap.
Another notable aspect during Mercury Station Direct is Sun opposition Neptune retrograde. We need to watch ourselves and ensure that we are not chasing illusions during this time. While some plans should have been formulated, we need to make sure that they’ll bear proper fruit. With Sun conjunct 896 Sphinx, we stand a chance of being able to force through and recognize the riddles before us. Sun trine Pluto retrograde and 307 Nike, and also trine Pallas for an Earth Grand Trine gives us another flowing push to go ahead and begin to bring some of our long-planned for goals into action. Note that it is a Earth Grand Trine Kite with Neptune retrograde pulling the bowstring to the Sun, so if we’re confident and wise enough, we can use some of the dreamy Neptune energies to see solutions we may not have considered. As 37117 Narcissus makes a weak conjunction to Neptune and opposes the Sun as well, we should take care not to become too proud and self-absorbed to ask for help if we need it durin this time. Consider others.
North Node square 666 Desdemona and 6583 Destinn, themselves dangerously close to Sedna and Algol could potentially spoil the parade just a little bit. There is the prospect of unpleasant truths and some ugly enemies challenging our way forward during this Mercury forward cycle.
Jupiter in Libra is also forming a Grand Cross with Eris in Aries, 128 Nemesis in Capricorn, and 19 Fortuna/157 Hekate/Ceres in Cancer. There is a chance for enhanced chaos with those we see as enemies, and it stands to upset what we value in homes and some of our more obscure beliefs and ritualistic behaviors. It could be something like a neighbor disrupting your morning routine, or it could be more rude like one nation invading another. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen, but in the next few months until the next Mercury Retrograde, it’s a possiblity. Remember, it’s more minor asteroids that form this Grand Cross, but the tightness of some of the orbs to other aspects of this cross compell me to mention it as something to look out for.
875 Nymphe and 149 Medusa conjunct in Cancer both semisextile Mercury and Mars at this time, and also square Uranus retrograde. Don’t let yet another pretty face cloud your judgment and rob you of your opportunities. You could have a vindictive vixen on your hands if not careful. Do not let your guard down. That said, Mercury trine Uranus can enhance our agendas with some hidden, internal, sudden drive or actions to move forward. Again, be aware that you’re surrounding yourself with those who will lift you up and will not betray or seduce you away from your ambitions. While this is always good advice, it’s especially pertinent now.
I will close by saying that there is a tremendous amount of opportunity now that Mercury is moving forward, but we need to watch the pitfalls that are there, and we need to make sure we are associating with those who will likewise move us forward, not push us down. If there is a circumstance that is torturing or stagnating you, this is the time to have a plan in place to resolve that issue and move forward into a life you can love. Weather the storm, and the rainbow should have some gold at the end of it.
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