We’ve made it through Eclipse Season, and are not out of the intense energies immersing us quite yet. We are just a short time away from a flurry of major shifts. This Full Moon, Venus retrograde beginning shortly after, and Chiron direct right after that all promise to be a major test for many of us. By this point, we should all know what we want and don’t want. How will we go for our best futures? Time to see what’s ahead for the Full Moon.
The Full Moon Itself
The Full Moon goes exact at 27 Gem 28’51” on December 18th, 2021 at 20:35:27 PST (December 19th, 2021 04:35:27 UTC). The main aspect of Sun opposite Moon puts the Moon near the end of Gemini for this lunar cycle culmination. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, and is ruled by Mercury. As such, this Full Moon will deal with shorter travel (as opposed to long-distance or international travel).
This part of the cycle also highlights messages, how we come across to others, some mechanical issues or lack thereof, and other forms of practical communications. With the Sun in Sagittarius, this will be going hand-in-hand with our desires to pursue loftier goals, what speaks true to us and our philosophies, and our longer-distance travel ambitions.
Supercharged Sun
This Full Moon is particularly highlighted as the Sun is conjunct Galactic Center! The Galactic Center point corresponds to the black hole in the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A, and is associated with major energies and enhancement of any body that conjuncts this in our charts.
In this case, we are highly focused on ourselves and our core beings, while the Moon opposing this has to deal more with how we feel about how we’re coming across and expressing ourselves.
Anything ending now will be quite amplified, and such endings are more likely to be permanent, or longer-term at least. If it’s not a permanent ending, then any sort of reconciliation and restart will need to be greatly transformed, especially given the other aspects active during this lunar culmination.
Other Aspects to the Full Moon
Jupiter’s Optimism and a Stroke of Luck?
Jupiter in Aquarius trine the Full Moon in Gemini indicates a good amount of optimism when it comes to pursuing our own unique ways of looking at the bigger picture. Doing things with more flair and pursuing more online-based ventures is highlighted with this trine.
The recent volatility in the crypto markets entering a brief stable period is something we should look for, but with the other aspects active, this could be muted somewhat. This would probably be the best time to just hold on and not make any sudden moves in your holdings if cryptocurrency is your thing.
This could also be a time where you come across some good deals in terms of last-minute gift shopping or bargain hunting, especially if someone’s looking to ditch something that no longer has value for them.
Venus’s Tower Moment
Full Moon in Gemini also quincunxes both Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Venus is about to shift into its retrograde period within six hours of this Full Moon culmination, so its influence with Pluto on this lunar cycle is highly significant.
We’re experiencing a period where we know we need to tear down the old ways of doing things and rebuilding when it comes to love, money, career, and what we thought we found valuable (or still do). Any major romantic or financial overtures that are a change from what you’ve had are going to be felt very acutely now.
With the quincunx to this conjunction, we’re seeing the culmination of events that have been in motion for awhile now. Make no mistake, there will be many anxieties about some changes we need to make or have already made, and we’re going to be hoping we did the right thing. Some of us are embarking on a forced journey of sorts (like a job that was forced to end, like I recently experienced with a maximum job time limit that came up a few days before this Full Moon)!
Make absolutely certain that any changes made now are to your benefit. We aren’t going to be able to be sure of that for awhile, though, given the major shifts happening shortly after this Full Moon. The Jupiter trine to the Full Moon will help temper the worst of our anxieties, however.
Other Noteworthy Aspects during the Full Moon
Speaking our Peace
One aspect that particularly stands out during the Full Moon is Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron retrograde in Aries. In reality, Chiron is station direct, meaning it’s about to resume its forward motion several hours after Venus shifts directions.
Given that Mercury rules Gemini (where the Full Moon is taking place), I see that the concepts of speaking truth to power will be quite prevalent. We are tasked with being true to ourselves and making sure others know it. No more hiding our concerns. There will be hard conversations regarding our reputations, our career goals, and what we know we have to do to stop the pain we’ve had to endure.
Given the recent Omicron surge beginning (and it is beginning, if we recall the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus that happened on Algol last month), expect more restrictions on movement and operating businesses for the short term pretty soon. Do we want to party, or do we want to protect ourselves for the moment? Lots of weighing pros and cons here.
Changing Things Up
The rebel of the cosmos is certainly active during this Full Moon. Uranus retrograde in Taurus trines Mercury in Capricorn. This indicates We’ve got some potential to think outside the box and ready some changes that will shake up the career and how we appear to others in a positive way.
Of course, we’ve also got Uranus retrograde square Saturn in Aquarius. The forced changes, restrictions, and the holding up of us wanting to go, it just keeps continuing. That Mercury trine will be helping this along a little bit, but we’ve still got roadblocks and sudden stops that are robbing some of us of sleep and sanity still.
We can get some legwork done, but there will be delays. Omicron’s one factor in some places, but other time constraints are also a factor. Hours of services being disrupted or changed, some for the holidays, is another manifestation.
Recently I noticed a few businesses that I’ve gone to in the past have already or are going to close their doors soon. Others have had to move. The examples are one restaurant in my hometown where an offer to be acquired by new ownership and merged fell through, resulting in a closure. Another set of examples are a few establishments in Belltown, Seattle, WA, that have either moved to new locations or are closing their doors due to the block they were located in being demolished for a new building soon. In the Crocodile’s case, this apparently works to their advantage as I read they’ll have two venues now in the new location, also in the same neighborhood.
Sometimes change is necessary and good. Saturn sextile Chiron does point to the hard work and discipline needed to get our footing back on track. Resuming a solid exercise program, whether for cardiovascular health, or just plain stress-relief is one example of this.
Optimism Meets Harsh Reality, So Make a Choice
As if the Venus-Pluto conjunction mentioned before isn’t enough, the North Node in Gemini makes a wide T-Square to Jupiter in Aquarius, as Mars is also conjunct the South Node and squares Jupiter as well.
Mars on the South Node brings forceful issues from the past back into focus. This is likely a past lover, a sentence being passed on a prior transgression, or some impulsive act from the past meeting consequences now.
Jupiter in an off-sign square to the nodes indicates that we’ve got some decisions we have to make, and a splash of cold reality. We’re optimistic now, but is what we’re planning or hoping for actually going to get us to where we need to go?
Jupiter square Mars shows that we’ve got some difficulty in pursuing our loftier goals. We very well may have an action plan, but something forces its way into that path. We’ll have to make adjustments and not be able to rely on luck. We may even have a pretty sudden spike of bad luck with this aspect. This could take the form of a server going down, or finding out you have more paperwork to fill out before you can open your business.
The T-Square combining these things, it’s a rough one and it’s an off-sign apex at Jupiter for sure. We may have been hoping for a new venture to carry us, like winning the lottery. Just something from the past is forcing its way back in, and it’s making sure it can’t be ignored. At worst, this could even be something like a past partner or love interest you thought you left behind trying to force their way back into yours.
If there was a domestic violence aspect to a prior relationship that’s trying to come back, do not screw around with this and get help! Sad to say, you may not be able to rely on police to help either. I’m speaking looking at the T-Square and the Uranus retrograde-Saturn square. Do what you have to do to keep yourself safe in this situation and do what you can to not make things worse.
This all goes hand-in-hand with the Venus station retrograde with Pluto happening now, of course.
What Do the Card Say?

As far as the cards for this Full Moon culmination, it’s a bit of an interesting message here. Starting off with the Princess of Cups, corresponding to the Page of Cups in traditional decks. We’ve got some new beginnings happening, and there’s an element of contentment that’s possible here.
We follow up with the Three of Swords reversed. Many of us are probably coming out of a sense of heartbreak recently. Another possibility is that some of us may have already had to close the door on the past somehow, a past that harmed us in some way. The wounds are still there, but they’re not fully consuming us now.
Now, things get a little rough. The third card I felt compelled to draw turned out to be Death reversed. While Death is change and transformation, reversed indicates stagnation. During this lunar culmination leading up to the following New Moon, we have a danger of experiencing “more of the same.” If we’ve been trying to get out of what’s been ensnaring us, we may have to find new ways of navigating out of that. Or, perhaps we’ve already gotten out of “more of the same” only to find ourselves in “even more of the same.” The hamster wheel, or the “dreadmill.” Not fun.
I draw the fourth card, and it is the Emperor reversed. Another unpleasant one, this strikes me as an element or a person embodying tyranny, strict protocol, or heavy-handed taskmastering. Quite Saturnian in my view. This goes hand-in-hand with that Death reversed drawn just before it. “More of the same, and damn you for trying to get out of it.” That’s the general vibe here.
The fifth card, I was moved to place underneath those unpleasant Death and Emperor reversals. Ace of Cups shows that the next couple of weeks shouldn’t be filled with dread, as there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Some form of contentment is beginning. Perhaps we go through the motions of the “more of the same,” perhaps riding a suddenly growing river from the cup that the Princess of Cups is holding and having a wild but fun ride on the rapids, getting away from the tediousness that’s slowly killing our soul.
Another way of looking at this is breaking away from toxic situations, but we may have to do some more work yet to be able to break free. Fun times.
This set of card drawn is congruent with the Full Moon astrology. We’ve got to break free. Keep that cup of contentment handy, don’t drown the inner child, and once the opportunity to run avails itself, take it. Stop killing your soul and hiding your light.
To Sum it All Up
The next couple of weeks of this lunar cycle are going to be a mixed bag, but filled with a great amount of potential. Just the Galactic Center involved with the Sun alone is making this incredibly powerful, and with Venus retrograde beginning and Chiron retrograde ending within the next half day or so of this Full Moon, we have a lot of shifting we’ll have to do.
Some hard choices have to be made, and some expectations have to be tempered with some reality. Are we going to keep miring ourselves in “more of the same,” or are we going to nurture some seeds that will actually nourish our souls and desires, and break out of this blighted mess?
The choice is yours.
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