The Ides of March. Watch our backs.
All times are in 24-hour format for Pacific Daylight Time (PDT / UTC – 07:00).
Lunar Placements
The Moon will be in Gemini for all of Friday, keeping our focus on communications, messages, and travel to and fro.
Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius to start the day still has us realizing how we can use technology and other tools to tell others our vision and what we’re looking for, yet Moon square Venus in Pisces strengthens, so be ready to hear what other people need. And it may not be you.
By afternoon PDT, Moon sextiles Mercury in Aries to help ease conversations on what we need to propel ourselves forward. It could be something as simple as a new direction within a career, or something else that we’ve been hoping to build up or start for ourselves for awhile.
Moon square Saturn in Pisces soon after, however, will hit us with some harsh reality when what we said earlier doesn’t quite match with some hidden realities we just don’t want to deal with. But we can use this to come up with a plan to move forward and recover from the stumble when Moon sextiles North Node, and then Chiron going into Saturday.
The Other Placements
Still Digging Beneath the Surface
Chiron in Aries continues its tight quincunx to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, further throwing curveballs in attempting to get our crap together while sifting through more hidden issues that we somehow overlooked. Details that were missed need to be addressed still, even with Uranus in Taurus still trine Lilith giving opportunities for some more pleasant surprises in terms of money and possessions.
Free Your Mind
The other major aspect today is the Sun tightening its conjunction to Neptune in Pisces by the end of Friday (PDT). Sun and Neptune together amplifies some subconscious thinking. Intuition, gut feeling driving reasoning, and going with the flow can bring some rewards today if we’re receptive to the influences of our higher selves today.
In Closing
I’m keeping this one short and skipping the asteroids for this one. Pretty much, we have some cold splashes of reality giving us some potentially bad news, but we need to also keep in mind that perhaps what we were going after wasn’t in our best interests (the Pluto-Moon trine influence).
Pay attention to hidden messages and impulses today with the Sun-Neptune union, and perhaps some better solutions come to the forefront.
Enter the weekend with some hope if you can.
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