Lunar Eclipse Taurus 2021 – Weighing the Heart

Lunar Eclipse

The last several months have been quite intense since the previous Lunar Eclipse in May. We’re heading to that point again, with another Eclipse Season. This time, it comes right as we’re entering the pre-retrograde shadow of the upcoming Venus Retrograde period set to start in December, so we’ve got a major amount of drama that will likely be entering our lives about now.

The Lunar Eclipse Itself

The Lunar Eclipse goes exact at 27 Tau 14’28” on November 19th, 2021 at 00:57:25 PST (08:57:25 UTC). The main aspect of Sun opposite Moon places the Lunar Eclipse in late Taurus for this lunar cycle culmination. Our emotional and intuitive state for the next several months (as opposed for the duration of the current lunar cycle) will be focused on our stability and resources, as well as that which we hold valuable and dear to us.

The Sun in Scorpio during this lunation is shedding light on what we hold within, the deeper mysteries that drive us, and matters regarding sex, some occult matters, and other people’s resources (such as loans and other debts).

Lunar Eclipse and Algol

To make matters even more contentious for the next several months, this Lunar Eclipse is conjunct the fixed star Algol. This star has a reputation as the most malefic star in the heavens. This is an unstable placement in an otherwise mentally and emotionally stable moon sign. The influence of Algol and the Moon together is summed up as:

With Moon: Violent death or extreme sickness. [Robson, p.124.]

Constellation of Words – Algol

Not very pleasant. If I had to interpret this with current events going on, we are likely going to see more of a surge in illness before the next Eclipse Season graces us in Spring 2022. Certainly not something we like to see. The “violent death” interpretation cited above is also an ill omen going into the United States Pluto Return season which begins in February 2022 (in the middle of this Eclipse cycle influence). I strongly advise being aware of your surroundings and keeping an eye on unruly individuals or groups when going out and about until… honestly, just keep aware at all times. I don’t see an immediate end to current mayhem, so don’t expect one.

Other Aspects to the Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart for November 19, 2021.
The Lunar Eclipse chart for November 19, 2021.

This Lunar Eclipse takes place inside a T-Square, making this particularly powerful. With Sun opposite Moon both squaring Jupiter in Aquarius at the apex, we’ll be forced to confront our more optimistic sides versus the reality that is unfolding around us. Our sense of hope, optimism, luck, and our more philosophical sides will be challenged. Given the Aquarian influence here, we’ll be tempted to go against the grain, or in other events we may have our hopes and luck challenged by those going against our own grain.

The lesson here will be to keep hope alive and not give in to our more dour feelings. At the same time, we’ll need to approach things a bit more realistically than we would like, and retreat and regroup as needed without giving up on our loftier ideals.

The Lunar Eclipse trine Pluto in Capricorn is a more harmonious influence that enables us to recognize what’s no longer doing us any good. We can use this influence to consider how to build anew once we shed away what is no longer in our best interest. We could be finding old hobbies and interests are no longer bringing us joy or satisfaction. This isn’t a bad thing because we may be find something better for us to spend our time and energy on.

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