Here we are: the final full lunar cycle for 2024. Let’s get into it.
The New Moon Itself
New Moon Sagittarius goes exact at 09 Sag 32’55” on November 30th, 2024 at 10:21 PM PST / December 1st, 2024 6:21 AM UTC.
This New Moon in Sagittarius, ninth sign of the zodiac, brings expectations of optimism, expanded expectations, foreign affairs, and higher learning. Quite appropriate for the holiday season, one would think, given the amount of travel, spiritual holidays, and the hopes for what a new year means for people as the old year draws to a close.
However, there’s some hiccups with this, so don’t expect things to play out smoothly.
Sun conjunct Moon denotes a time of new beginnings and adventures, and the seeding of new intentions. While we have high hopes for this in normal times, we tend to have even more hopes (whether we admit it or not) given the Jupiter rulership of this sign.
We’re going to need all the hope we can get.
Other Aspects to the New Moon
Warrior Star
New Moon Sagittarius conjuncts fixed star Antares, greatly amplifying the martial aspects of this new lunar cycle. Putting on the face of piety and religious authority, this could be referred to as the “Crusader’s Star” as Antares was in the process of entering Sagittarius during the Crusades. (Aldeberan, the opposing star, was also ingressing into Gemini during that era as well, embodying the Caliphates in control of Jerusalem at the time).
There is a danger of violence and violent death when the Sun conjoins this star, and the Moon also brings with it religious fervor and risks of violence, political and otherwise, as well.
On the plus side, business and other ventures should be amplified now. Whether they’re successful or not is all dependent on other factors and how well the energies of this star can be used. Recognize trouble and be vigilant.
Dampening Our Enthusiasm
New Moon Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces tends to throw cold water on the normal daydreams we have.
Saturn in Pisces, now direct, forces us to confront realities we’d rather not see. The rose-colored glasses are discarded, and the harsh reality faces us.
Furthermore, the normally optimistic and enhancing vibes of Sagittarius aren’t all with us as Jupiter, still retrograde, is also in detriment in Gemini, opposing the main sign of its rulership. Some hope is still there, but we’ll have to work very hard to make any of it work well.
On top of this, New Moon Sagittarius also squares 10961 Buysballot, 8543 Tsunemi, and 307 Nike in Virgo.
This brings to mind us facing a tsunami, inundating us. In this instance, I’d say it’s the doubt that contests or other adversarial processes have been fair. As in, did someone buy ballots? Maybe some power players just did it.
New Moon Sagittarius opposing 2629 Rudra retrograde in Gemini amplifies things somewhat, but it’s somewhat internalized. Certainly some duplicity dashing some hopes, while bringing lingering questions to the opposition’s supporters.
Who really wins here?
Delving Into Matters
New Moon Sagittarius trine 829 Academia in Aries does lighten the load somewhat and gives us a boost to pursue some research into subjects we resonate with on a personal, core level. For me, that’s astronomy, astrology, and other forms of learning. And creativity. What will your drive to learn be about?
There’s also New Moon Sagittarius trine 12927 Pinocchio in Leo, and also Mars (about to station retrograde and later reenter Cancer). We can dive a little deeper and get to the truth of the matter, or at the very least, more readily confront some rather creative lies.
Things may not be clear, but steps will soon be retraced.
Other Notable Aspects During the New Moon
Double Detriment
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. This is double trouble as both Mercury and Jupiter are in signs of their detriment (Mercury rules Gemini but is in Sagittarius, while Jupiter rules Sagittarius but is in Gemini, and both are retrograde).
This is doing double duty in dashing some of our higher hopes, and it’s harder to convey this in words, messages, and even in our day-to-day travel. Expect snares and snags in going to-and-fro, both long and short distance trips.
This also greatly affects how we perceive things from afar. Alliances are muddied, if not bloodied.
Mercury retrograde also conjuncts 9770 Discovery, 3402 Wisdom, 666 Desdemona, 2247 Hiroshima, and 390 Alma.
We’re hoping to discover the truth of matters, and have the wisdom to know what to do with it.
There’s also the prospect of those uninvolved being punished by simple proximity to players (Desdemona), likely with explosive results (Hiroshima).
We may also be skeptical as to who’s really receiving alms, or if palms are being greased elsewhere with funds given in good faith.
However, we can plan for the future once Mercury stations direct on December 15th later in the cycle. Mercury retrograde trine Chiron retrograde, 2696 Magion retrograde, and 19 Fortuna in Aries indicates that we’ll have to delve deep within ourselves and make our own magic happen. Heal the wounds and plan ahead to bring ourselves some needed good fortune, on our own.
And lately, and at the onset of this New Moon, Mercury retrograde quincunx 15845 Bambi retrograde in Cancer and 5180 Ohno in Taurus (making a Yod, or Finger of God pattern), has us feeling like a deer in headlights expecting the worst.
Maybe we should stop doomscrolling and looking at the news for a bit, or at least not dwell on it. There’s a lot playing out that may not stick, and inflicting psychic venom on ourselves isn’t helpful.
Trial By Fire
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini has the unfortunate additional affect of squaring Saturn and Nessus in Pisces.
This is tricky. Jupiter square Saturn always has the effect of dampening some enthusiasm, but can also do double duty in getting a little too complacent to discipline ourselves effectively. In this case, our hopes and dreams are severely tested.
To be frank, the overall vibe and air about things has been heavy, oppressive, and even abusive. Recent events have not been kind to our vision of a better tomorrow, lately.
However, we’ve got to keep going on. Jupiter retrograde trine Vesta in Libra gives us some solace that our strongest, most true partnerships can help bolster our faith that our best and highest ideals can win through the night.
Monsters in the Deep
Neptune retrograde in Pisces square 1181 Lilith in Sagittarius (near Galactic Center) warns us to be careful of temptations, especially now.
Galactic Center amplifies what it touches, and the asteroid associated with Lilith brings all sorts of temptations to the surface. We need to see things objectively, and Neptune retrograde muddies the vision somewhat.
Neptune retrograde opposing 8813 Leviathan and 13897 Vesuvius brings further vibes of mythical proportions. We could be making mountains out of molehills thinking things are worse than they really are. On the flip side, we could also think we’re cornering a little mouse while a massive direwolf sneaks up on us from behind.
Who becomes dinner?
Reckless Abandon
Venus in Capricorn conjunct 2063 Bacchus does bring an air of jubilation and patting on the back for some. Bacchus is associated with intoxication, so we could see some interesting stories come from office parties now. Just be mindful of the other aforementioned placements earlier in the article and make sure you’re not setting yourself up for a fall if you partake.
This is especially true when we consider Venus square Eris retrograde and 10 Hygiea in Aries, and 100 Hekate in Libra.
We may find ourselves at a crossroads (Hekate), and a night of lowered inhibitions and pleasure could wind up having us feeling the itch. (Hygiea’s square in this case). Do use protection if you decide to have fun with a stranger or casual partner this cycle. After all, pregnancy and STDs can be… chaotic.
Venus trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus does bring the potential to build up for some upswings in the future. Bear in mind that Uranus is slowing down for its direct station, so we may not have to wait too long to see if any seeds sown now bear any fruit. Hopefully sweet fruit, and not bitter ones.
Power Sink
Mars in Leo is slowing down for its retrograde station after the New Moon, which is set for December 6th. So the energy and drive of Mars, even in fiery Leo, isn’t all there. If you’re starting to feel a little more sluggish than we normally would, even considering all the crazy events happening now, this could be a small part of it.
Mars opposite 114 Kassandra doesn’t help this much. Kassandra can be summed up as unheeded warnings. A lot of warnings have recently been given. Hell, many people were warned of consequences of numerous actions throughout the year (take your pick, but elections do have consequences). And now we are seeing some of those consequences and buyer’s remorse.
There’s also the matter of Mars square 1488 Aura, 26955 Lie, 2598 Merlin, and 2031 BAM in Scorpio. We’re seeing some matters blow up in players’ faces, lies brought out into the open, and some trouble in making some magic happen. As these four asteroids are in Scorpio, it’s like the implosions are coming out of nowhere. Trust me, things have been playing beneath the surface for awhile.
Now Mars trine North Node does indicate some relaxing of advancing our own agendas, but it’s nowhere near as potent as if Mars were conjunct the North Node. It’s a helpful nudge, but don’t count on it to get yourself over whatever finish lines you have in sight. You’ll need the other helpful aspects and some bolstering of your own free will to go the distance.
Expect the Unexpected?
Uranus retrograde in Taurus, slowing down for the direct station, is sextile Neptune retrograde in Pisces while being weakly conjunct Algol. So long as we keep our heads straight, we shouldn’t get lost in some crazy mind-fields.
It may be helpful to exercise some self-reflection and see if there’s something you’ve forgotten about. Maybe a note of an idea for an art piece or a novel, or that side business idea that might be helpful for someone. It could even be a small investment made on a whim that seemingly tanked, but you held onto as it wasn’t worth getting rid of.
It could even be something mundane like finding a few bucks under a pillow.
Watch Your Six
Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius square Dejanira retrograde at 0 degrees Taurus is a cautionary tale. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, and Dejanira is the victim’s asteroid. Do not self-destruct. And stop playing the victim if you are. It’s not helpful. And don’t put yourself into situations where you could become a victim (like talking smack on social media while having your home address set to “public to all” or whatever privacy settings are there these days).
Furthermore, Pluto square 149 Medusa in Libra warns us to not be too trusting of certain partnerships. We could be victimized by a poor choice of partner. Particularly if the other betrays us.
Pluto opposite 2878 Panacea retrograde in Cancer advises us to keep our home space and private health in good order. It is cold and flu season coming up, after all. I don’t know what will happen with H5N1, but do be careful.
As a personal aside from the previous lunar cycle’s experience, and now that I’m seeing Panacea retrograde here, exercise good food safety, and don’t eat from questionable sources. Food poisoning sucks. Don’t repeat my recent experience.
Hiding in the Shadows
Finally, Black Moon Lilith in Libra opposes 19 Fortuna and Chiron retrograde. We need to confront what’s been harming us and bringing us bad luck in the background, particularly in the context of toxic or otherwise unhealthy relationships. Figure out what’s dragging you down, and address it, correct it, excise it, exorcise it. Get rid of it or flip the script and make it work for you.
Most likely, with Black Moon Lilith conjunct 128 Nemesis and Vesta, it’ll be standing up for yourself and cutting or preparing to cut ties. You may need to do this carefully, depending on your situation.
If you have no partnerships, this could indicate other relationships or linkages that need to be examined. Or, perhaps potential new ones that may not be to your benefit. Trust, but verify.
Black Moon Lilith tightly trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini could make things seem a little more hopeful. It’s up to you whether a linkage is worth giving another chance. But remember, Jupiter retrograde has some heavy afflictions right now, so do bear that in mind. Make sure the optimism is justified.
In Closing
It’s a time where we’d like to be hopeful, but things are not letting us feel that warmth and optimism that we’d like to feel.
We’re having some trouble relating to others right now. It’s a chaotic time and we need to take care of ourselves, above all.
If you don’t take care of yourself and recharge your batteries, you won’t be able to lift anyone else up. And if others aren’t allowing you enough downtime to recharge, then it’s time to consider finding another outlet.
Pulling that trigger could be tricky. Make sure it’s the right move.
Keep up as best as you can out there.
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