This New Moon is upon us, and it’s a doozy. Hold on to your hats because it’s looking like a bumpy ride this cycle.
The New Moon itself is square Pluto, and it’s a pretty tight square too at less than one degree orb. This lunar cycle is going to be about overcoming obstacles, and of things being torn down and rebuilt. Let’s get the ground work going and prepare for impact, because honestly we’re going to see quite a few things get hit. And what gets hit will impact our egos and our emotions for sure. A lot of things that get impacted this lunar cycle will even seem out of the blue, given the Uranus square Pluto aspect that’s also here. With Uranus conjunct New Moon, we can expect some sudden surprises that are, frankly, going to be quite disruptive, such as travel delays, relationships going amok, staplers jamming just as you’re scrambling to get to that meeting in time… but not much that should be totally insurmountable. Uranus, though at greater than two degree orb, is conjunct Eris, representing chaos and discord. It’s a loose conjunction, very loose, so we should be able to weather some of these storms at least.
New Moon trine Saturn Retrograde also adds a dash of us taking into account restrictions we have placed upon ourselves, and this is a prime opportunity to see exactly where we’re sabotaging ourselves, and what we can do to take steps to get around it.
Mars conjunct Fixed Star Antares is quite the incendiary combination. According to Constellations of Words:
With Mars: Detrimental habits powerfully affecting the life, quarrels with friends and relatives, fairly favorable for gain. If at the same time the Moon is with Aldebaran, danger of death by sword or hanging.
Well, I think that’s pretty descriptive. Moon is nowhere near Aldeberan, so I think we can avoid the worst of aggression and war for now. Keep in mind however, that Mars Retrograde begins during this cycle, and that’s when things are going to get mucked up. Expect shifting alliances and upheavals in our relationships with others, which fits quite well with Pluto squaring the New Moon and Uranus/Eris. It’s not all doom and gloom though, as we can use the Mars/Antares energy to initiate something that will be lucrative in the future (though we should not expect instant results as Saturn is retrograde at this time…
Chiron conjunct South Node during this lunar cycle is something else that needs addressed too. We are likely to face healing and pain from a part of our past, as we have for the past few months.
Chiron squares Ixion as well, so we should be rather careful of things that are too good to be true, and let’s not leave a good thing for something that feels more comfortable, such as leaving a loving partner to go back to an old relationship.
A weak Apophis conjunct Venus also exemplifies this. Some relationships are likely to end at this time, and probably already have. Venus has entered Aries, opposite one of it’s ruled signs (Libra), so we need to be careful that we’re chasing after what’s good for us in terms of relationships and money, and be careful if we’re chasing after fun without the relationship (I think you know where this is heading).
Lucifer square Karma (itself conjunct Algol) is another cause for concern. Lucifer is retrograde, so we’re going to be looking at our inner pride during this time. Karma is just that, karma. On Algol, the most malefic star in the heavens, this karma will be brutal. (I should know, I have Karma conjunct Algol in my natal chart, and am going through a Karma Return right now. And yes, some crows are coming home to roost… though the embodiment of such as my air mattress springing a leak and leaving me to sleep on a hard floor… (This could very well be a manifestation of Saturn retrograde as well)… well anyways… maybe it’ll help my back. I don’t know. But i digress…). I can also say personally a couple purchases I was considering making are now backburnered as more important expenses are coming up… Like taxes…. Oh yeah, Income Tax day in the U.S. is coming up during this cycle… a day after Mars turns retrograde! DO NOT wait until the last minute this year!!! I cannot stress that enough! I can almost guarantee there will be a snafu if you wait until the last day to do taxes.
Karma/Algol Sextile Kaali, forming a Yod to Pholus/Galactic Center is also present, asteroid-wise. Though not as powerful as planets, there is the potential for something to blow up, as Pholus is said to explode or expand what it touches. Frankly, be careful with the imbibing of alcohol and other intoxicating substances or activities this cycle. Could lead to more than you bargain for.
Finally, Saturn retrograde squaring Jupiter retrograde is leading us to consider recent restrictions and roadblocks and what that’s doing to our inner sense of self-worth. If things are going along and you’re able to shrug off the delays and frustrations, great! If not, then take a step back and see exactly where you’re falling behind, and determine if its factors beyond your control, or if you’re sabotaging yourself. If you are sabotaging yourself, stop. As much as you can. Sometimes things just have a way of piling up on you. Fortunately, Jupiter won’t be retrograde much longer, but we’ll have to wait until the next lunar cycle for that forward motion to come.
In fact, let’s make it a point during this lunar cycle to eliminate any Last-Minute-Charliedom and end procrastination where possible. It’s very much looking like that this is going to be a major theme for the next month or so untl the next New Moon. The manifestations around the Full Moon later this month should be quite telling.
That’s all I have time for for now. Need shower and … floor. Don’t exactly have a bed now. Let this be a lesson of what this lunar cycle has to bring us. It’s not entirely fatalistic, but we’ve got our hands full this month.
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