Lunar Eclipse Pisces – September 2024

Lunar Eclipse Pisces 2024

If things don’t seem clear to people right now, there’s a good reason for that: Lunar Eclipse Pisces is opening up the Eclipse Season for fall of 2024. This one is going to force us to confront quite a few things beneath the surface.

The Lunar Eclipse Itself

Lunar Eclipse Pisces hits peak intensity at 25 Pis 40’45” on September 17th, 2024 at 7:34 PM PDT / September 18th, 2024 at 2:34 AM UTC. As with all Lunar Eclipses, this is a Full Moon eclipse and is a culmination of the New Moon in Virgo from a couple weeks earlier. This eclipse’s effects will last for at least the next several months, and may persist beyond the next year. Pay special attention to the trends in your life regarding this one.

It is said that Lunar Eclipses are also times of completions and endings. This fits with the general culmination point that most Full Moons serve as.

As this Lunar Eclipse is in Pisces, there’s an intense focus on the mystical, the deep subconscious, and things we just don’t think about from day to day. This being the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, it’s also a sign of institutionalization and hidden adversaries. We can expect an uptick of incarcerations, hospitalizations, and lashing out from those who were not expected to be enemies or adversaries.

Sun opposite Moon as the primary aspect is very amplified. Again, we’re finishing up cycles. Sun in the sixth sign of Virgo puts events relating to service, health, and day-to-day obligations such as jobs (as opposed to broader careers) into focus. The Moon, being the primary indicator here, is really tugging at things regarding our deeper desires. It’s more subtle than eighth house or Scorpio-based tendencies, which deal with the occult and other hidden matters regarding resources and sexuality.

Those with personal planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars) and/or personal points (Ascendant/Descendant, Midheaven/IC, North/South Nodes) from 20 degrees in mutable signs (Pisces/Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius) to 0 degrees in fixed signs (Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn) will feel this eclipse very strongly. Vertex/Antivertex placements will feel this more strongly if those are in 24-26 degrees of the mutable signs listed before.

Other Aspects to the Lunar Eclipse

All Things In Shadow

Lunar Eclipse Pisces conjuncts Neptune retrograde, which amplifies the effect of this eclipse rather powerfully. It’s not a tight conjunction but still within 3 degrees orb, so it’s still plenty strong.

Moon and Neptune together have a tendency to ramp up the esoteric, the psychic impulses, and puts our mental activities into overdrive. Neptune being retrograde here pulls things into an internalized or introspective state. It is very easy to be plagued by our doubts and fears right now if we allow this. Don’t lose hope.

Lunar Eclipse Pisces opposite 26955 Lie and 896 Sphinx in Virgo also adds to the power of this mercurial murkiness. We are being plagued by propaganda and riddles now. There are a lot of people and powers out there that are, quite frankly, full of shit. Call them on it, and be ready for blowback.

Lunar Eclipse Pisces also forms a very loose T-square with Jupiter in Gemini. It’s a 5 degree orb, so not as strong as it could be, but still a subtle influence.

Jupiter is not in a strong position in Gemini, and this eclipse placement further acts upon this. We feel we want to explain our goals to others, our ambitions and hopes. But we’re not really being heard. And, it seems the chaos and other agendas others have are drowning out any hopes we may have had. We have to fight our tendencies towards any overoptimism while also not losing hope that anything gets better. We really need to believe things can, even if it seems impossible. Otherwise, what’s the point, right?

Some Lights in the Shadows

Lunar Eclipse Pisces trine asteroids 3811 Karma and 55 Pandora in Cancer is somewhat helpful, as this indicates that there’s still some hope left in the box. Probably in our deepest, private reaches. Hold onto that hope, and there’s a chance we come out ahead.

Lunar Eclipse Pisces trine 666 Desdemona and 42355 Typhon in Scorpio on the other side of things gives us a little hope that we can overcome some storms and take control of our fate somewhat. We don’t have to stand idly by and let events happen to us.

Lunar Eclipse Pisces sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus is also helpful in showing us some unconventional solutions to some of our problems. Perhaps an opportunity to build something for the future for later. Keep in mind Uranus is still conjunct fixed star Algol, so it can be very easy to get lost in the daydreams and wind up way out in the weeds.

Lunar Eclipse Pisces quincunx Venus in Libra does introduce a fair amount of uncertainty in our mental state and us attracting what we desire, be it money, relationships, art, or whatever else is valuable to us. However, Venus conjunct Spica softens this a little bit, and indicates some help from friend and allies may help us light the way. Just make sure everything is on the level, as false friends are also indicated with this stellar conjunction. Use your best judgment.

Other Notable Aspects During the Lunar Eclipse

Homewreckers Exposed

Black Moon Lilith has an incredible time, being conjunct South Node, 4386 Lust, 1488 Aura, and 2031 BAM in Libra.

Black Moon Lilith is the divine feminine, involving itself in the independence of the feminine. It also represents the secrets beneath the surface, and matters buried that threaten to come to the light. In the sign of relationships and partnerships, there’s a great deal of hidden tension here. With the South Node joining this, we examine whether the partnerships and links we have are really where we want or need to cling to.

Lust is, well, lust. Quite a few relationships and partnerships are having some issues with the straying eye. Aura calls on us to use our best judgment and protect our energies and power when it comes to our bonds with others (or in being lone wolves, as the case may be).

BAM, well, some of these breakups can get quite loud and explosive. Tantrums, etc.

Black Moon Lilith opposite 1388 Aphrodite retrograde in Aries, itself with the North Node also adds some fire to the mix. Certainly we’re working on furthering our own ambitions and interests with the Aries North Node. Aphrodite here also invokes temptation with the roving eye and our more carnal ambitions. But is the grass greener in the other field?

Black Moon Lilith also squares Mars in Cancer, along with 1930 Lucifer and 15845 Bambi, and Lilith also squares Ceres and Pholus retrograde in Capricorn.

The Mars square alone in Cancer is explosive enough with emotional energy, and the potentiality I would say of virility and planned or (likely) unplanned pregnancies. Some guys are going to be “in the rut” (Bambi) and be looking to sow oats, as it were. Some ego play is certainly involved with some pride before the fall (Lucifer).

On the other hand, some level of intoxication or self-deception (Pholus), or perhaps power as an aphrodisiac? At any rate, home and hearth (Ceres) are at risk, as would be reputation and potential career (Capricorn).

Biting Our Tongues

Jupiter apexes another very loose T-Square between itself, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and Mercury in Virgo.

Again, optimism is threatened and diminished with the weak square to Saturn retrograde in Pisces (another Jupiter-ruled sign). We’re having to see reality for what it is, and it’s not pleasant for a lot of us. A lot of bad habits are going to be exposed if they haven’t been already.

Mercury on the other side of this may have us jotting down notes and making a plan to get out of the messes we’re in. Perhaps we’re engaged in some kind of action plan, workout program, or rehabilitation program (in case of addiction recovery or injury recovery). It may suck at first, but stick with it. Dietary issues are another factor to examine, especially in the middle of pumpkin spice and apple season.

Temptation will be high.

Mercury trine 157 Dejanira retrograde and 2601 Bologna retrograde in Taurus does also allow us to more easily come to grips in where we’re sabotaging ourselves, and forces us to confront ourselves so we stop bullshitting ourselves. Especially in fixed, stubborn Taurus. You don’t have to have all of the cake. A couple bites is fine for the taste, but that’s all you need. Enjoy the small indulgence to maintain a little sanity, and then get back in the gym or on the track.

There is such a thing as too much discipline, after all.

Watch Your Back

Jupiter conjunct 763 Cupido in Gemini sounds like some fun could be had, but you really need to consider your situation. Are you in a good position to strut like a stallion? Jupiter trine 433 Eros in Libra adds to the hopes of getting lucky, but…

Jupiter in Gemini also squares 128 Nemesis and 149 Medusa in Virgo, amplifying the risks of betrayal and retribution for straying. Jupiter opposite 6157 Prey in Sagittarius also plays heavily into this.

There really isn’t a time to cheat on a partner. Right now is especially bad timing, what with the indicators for a backfire of betrayal, retribution from real or perceived straying, and the potentiality of being hunted.

Jupiter sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries tells us to take a look at what we need ourselves, and ask if we’re better off cutting ties with partnerships that aren’t in our best interests anymore. Whatever is decided, make it a clean cut, or work it out and don’t go playing in other yards.

Reconsider Anything Underhanded

Nessus retrograde in Pisces opposite 99942 Apophis, 128 Nemesis, and 1862 Apollo in Virgo is a warning, both to watch out for destruction from retribution, and from committing any acts that would warrant retribution. A light will be shine on malicious deeds, and obsessions would best be tempered now.

Nessus retrograde also squares 545 Messalina in Gemini, and 6157 Prey in Sagittarius. Again, you do not want to be sleeping with someone’s partner. (Even if in a “swinger” or open/poly setup, use caution, as potential other partners are not as they appear right now).

This also impacts career and workplace. News of Amazon requiring a five-day RTO (Return to Office) policy just broke, and I’m certain some workers will feel like they’re being taken advantage of and jump at first opportunity over this. Of course, tech sector’s a bloodbath right now hiring-wise, so … a lot of people are going to feel trapped.

And when the employee’s market returns, they are going to remember.

Heed the Warnings of Desire

Venus in Libra opposite Eris retrograde and Chiron retrograde in Aries is interesting enough. Plenty of opportunities and warnings to focus on resolving our own wounds and conflicts. There’s also plenty that’s been throwing us off collectively, and we need to take a break from the chaos of chasing unfulfilling relationships and investments that don’t go anywhere.

Venus square 114 Kassandra in Capricorn, and 3811 Karma in Cancer adds to this. Certainly, some of us are having to face some reckonings in the private lives we lead (or, perhaps, a slower blessing coming for some of us, depending on how karma is treating us). In either case, we need to heed some warnings we’re seeing in our public lives and our career levels. Also consider warnings regarding governing institutions leading into the next several months.

When people tell you what their plans are, believe them. Especially when they backtrack.

Special Electoral Mention: Buysballot

10961 Buysballkot conjunct 5264 Telephus and 307 Nike in Leo tells me that there’s a lot of deal-making, psychological campaigns, and some “just do it” vibes going on in terms of electoral processes playing out worldwide.

10961 Buysballot square 157 Dejanira retrograde and 2601 Bologna retrograde is also showing us that the campaigns out there are attempting to pull one over on a lot of us, and make us feel like that certain candidates will be the ones to deal with the problems we face.

10961 Buysballot square 5325 Silver in Scorpio warns us that there’s also a great deal of money changing hands right now, and the grift can go both ways. Also, we need to consider our own integrity, or our own willingness to get our “thirty pieces of silver.”

Again, betrayal is rife, and the Universe has a way of evening the scores.

In Closing

This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is going to force us to confront many illusions and delusions we have about our role in things going forward. There’s plenty of smoke and mirrors, misdirection, and propaganda urging us to go in twenty directions at once.

There’s some opportunity for clarity as well. For now, we need to keep our eyes and ears open, and not get taken in by the deceptions plaguing us.

Follow your best gut feeling right now. And be ready for anything.