Full Moon Aries – October 2024

Full Moon Aries 2024

The first Full Moon following the Solar Eclipse we just had in Libra is continuing the madness. Hope you like Mars energy.

The Full Moon Itself

Full Moon Aries peaks at 24 Ari 35’03” on October 17, 2024 at 04:26 AM PDT / 11:26 AM UTC. The Full Moon in Aries, first sign of the zodiac, puts our own motives, self-interest, and personal development in full focus. All eyes are on us.

It’s just as well I mention Mars in the opening, as Aries is ruled by Mars. The red planet emboldens our power, energy, passions, and drive. The darker side of this is an increase in flaring tempers, angry outbursts, and even violence. A good time to remind us to watch the blood pressure lest we explode.

This Full Moon is also in the third decan of Aries, adding to it a Sagittarian/Jupiter vibe. This can lead our emotional states to focus on exalting ourselves, confidence (with tendency to overconfidence), and dreaming up grand plans for our ambitions. Wanderlust is a real possibility. There could be some dampening of confidence for others as Jupiter just recently entered its retrograde cycle.

Our main aspect here is Sun opposite Moon, thus bringing us the culmination point of the lunar cycle. Matters are undergoing completion here, projects being finished up, and the harvest of what we’ve planted during the New Moon (or in this case, Solar Eclipse). With the Sun in Libra (seventh sign of the zodiac), our relations to others, particularly significant others as well as business partners, will be under the spotlight.

Some relationships, projects, and tasks will be finishing up, and others will enter a new phase after this point for the next couple of weeks. If the outcome isn’t what was hoped, shore that up. That may mean retreating and regrouping. Just don’t overdo the correction.

Other Aspects to the Full Moon

Sun Spica

It’s worth noting the Sun-Spica conjunction during this Full Moon in Aries. This is actually a very powerful and fortunate placement. There can be some wealth potential with this fixed star shining on the Sun, as well as some good positioning. Fitting for an election year.

Double T-Squares, Double Trouble

With that out of the way, we get to the pair of T-Squares.

T-Square #1: Sun-Juno, Moon-Eris-19 Fortuna, Apex Mars

On one side of the equation, Full Moon Aries and Eris square off with Mars in Cancer, which is fitting given the Mars rulership to Aries. Mars in Cancer brings a lot of heat and energy to our emotional and home lives, and we are bound to have some intense arguments and debates in private quarters.

This can also get steamy in the bedroom, and there seems to be a great amount of pregnancy potential when Mars moves through the Moon’s home sign, which is fitting given that the Moon is the more maternal of the celestial bodies. With the T-Square influence, there’s a great potential for unplanned pregnancies. And consider Eris is with this Full Moon, so imagine the chaos in such announcements!

Gentlemen, wrap your wieners. Your pullout game is not on point with this aspect.

Given Eris opposite Juno along with the Sun opposite Moon in the same spots, I can imagine some really awkward discussions if the unplanned pregnancies aren’t with the “official” partner. So yes, infidelity. And 19 Fortuna? Divorces do split up assets, and that gets chaotic too.

Mars is also conjunct fixed star Pollux, which isn’t as lucky as the Sun-Spica connection. This also brings the potential for violence, murder, assassination, and all sorts of aggression. Those in high position or running for high position should take precautions.

With bodily autonomy on the ballot, we can expect more news on women’s right to their bodies to be highlighted now. And consider the upcoming Mars retrograde period: Mars will be passing this way again two more times over the next several months. Domestic violence and sexual assault also comes to mind, as well as general infidelity.

Be on guard.

T-Square #2: Sun, Moon, Apex Pluto and 114 Kassandra

The other side of the equation is a wide square to Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn by Full Moon Aries. This isn’t as powerful as the T-Square to Mars as this is a 5 degree orb, whereas to Mars the other T-square is tight.

Pluto in late Capricorn is finishing up the last epilogue of the U.S. Pluto Return. We are seeing a major amount of upheaval in our institutions here, as well as talk of insurrection, civil war, violence, and undiplomatic rhetoric. And that’s just on the campaign trail in one election in the United States. Globally, we’ve got wars going on and it’s getting existential here.

Pluto in Capricorn in general shakes up institutions. Square that to a Full Moon in Aries, and you’ve got a lot of self-interest playing out. Personal ambitions, power grabs, you name it. Alliances and relationships can change or break on a whim. Saber-rattling is a given.

The other apex square to 114 Kassandra brings to mind “Cassandra Syndrome.” Warning others of what’s coming but no one listens. We’re going to be feeling that quite a bit. Trying to change someone’s mind about particular matters lately and getting nowhere? This is the lesson of 114 Kassandra.

Don’t expect to win any minds. Right now, the minds are all made up, even in the face of compelling facts.

Full Moon Aries sextile Jupiter Retrograde

The other aspect that comes into focus is Full Moon Aries sextile Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.

This one’s a little more fortunate, though it’s doubly muted as it’s a somewhat wide orb at just over three degrees. There’s also the matter of Jupiter being in detriment as it’s in its weak point in Gemini (since Jupiter rules Sagittarius). Also, Jupiter just started its retrograde period.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t some good fortune to be had. We might be able to make our point to those who we wouldn’t ordinarily even bother having discussions with. Kamala Harris doing an interview on Fox News, for example.

So we might be able to think twice, and decide “you know what? I think I will have that discussion. Or go to that place I’ve been avoiding.” And it might go better than expected. Just be on guard, given the other contentious aspects listed above.

Full Moon Quincunx Vesta

Another aspect worth mentioning is Full Moon Aries quincunx Vesta in Virgo. This can be a tricky one, as most quincunxes are.

Vesta is the sacred flame, what we hold dear. Pretty lofty ideals, the hill we die on, that sort of thing.

A Full Moon quincunx this in general indicates that we’re coming to grips with something that’s challenging our beliefs, but something’s off about it. In Aries, we’re feeling pretty forceful about this challenge to our ideals. Vesta in Virgo is analytical about it and looking for holes to poke in the argument.

It’s a rough one. Even with undeniable proof, some true believers still won’t be swayed. Dangerous with cults and cultlike environments.

Others will have that seed of doubt and this could be the changing of a up-until-this-point devoted ideal. Faith shaken. The Jupiter retrograde plays into this a bit too.

Definitely a challenge.

Other Noteworthy Aspects During the Full Moon

Mars Square Chiron Retrograde, Plus Asteroid Grand Cross

A particularly rough aspect we’re seeing here is Mars in Cancer square Chiron retrograde in Aries.

Chiron retrograde can indicate some heavy wounding, or a healing process in the works. It depends on how well one is healing the wounds they need to heal. And with this squaring Mars in Cancer, we’re confronting what afflicted us in our home lives and how we were wounded while growing up.

Mars also opposes 4580 Child in Capricorn, and squares 4386 Lust and 2598 Merlin in Libra. This goes so hard with Chiron retrograde in Aries here.

Remember what I just mentioned about wounds growing up: Some experienced domestic violence and child abuse. Some experienced SA as children or teenagers. Sometimes this happened in religious or spiritual settings, or by those we would think of as religious or spiritual mentors.

Not just religious figures though. This can also represent any kind of mentor betraying trust. Remember when Justin Bieber went through that dark period and was getting into trouble in his late teens/young adulthood? That was a relatively short time after the days he was hanging out with P. Diddy when he was younger. And now look at what’s going on with Sean Combs (P. Diddy) now.

That’s the sort of wounding this brings to the surface, as an extreme point. And this is the time period this will be in the collective consciousness.

Mars apexing a Yod with a quincunx to 2063 Bacchus (inebriation, drunkenness, intoxication) in Sagittarius, and the other quincunx to 564 Dudu (just what it sounds like) in Aquarius further adds to the wounding and healing aspects.

What bullshit do abusers tell their victims? How many were intoxicated or drugged and then abused? That’s the sort of thing that’s going to be in focus now.

Be on guard and make sure that this doesn’t happen again if able.

Uranus, Venus, and Friends

Uranus retrograde in Taurus conjunct fixed star Algol already makes things contentious. And Taurus is not a good spot for Uranus. Fixed earth energy, the rock of stability, versus the rebel of the solar system, and with the Eye of Medusa where one loses their head. Not fun.

There’s also that matter of Uranus retrograde opposite Venus in Scorpio. Venus is warped here as well as its in the domain of Mars and Pluto, and with the opposition to Uranus as well? Temptation. Temptation to go after what you desire at all costs, but there’s sudden gains, sudden losses, and in the end one loses their head.

Adding other bodies to the mix, Uranus retrograde conjuncts 4955 Gold retrograde, and Venus is conjunct 8690 Swindle, 9770 Discovery, and 42355 Typhon.

We’ll need to break this down a bit. So Gold retrograde, that’s a money asteroid. So some people are feeling that they’re being left behind financially, with higher prices. Or they’re facing surprise bills or unexpected costs. That’s Uranus with Gold.

Venus and Swindle, opposing Uranus-Gold? That’s another mess of an aspect. We want to keep our money, or may be looking at some nontraditional ways of getting it. But there’s also a lot of deception out there and scams. This also affects those looking for love and lust.

Typhon with Venus-Swindle acts as an amplifier, and also brings to mind a typhoon. A wall of lies sweeping things away, and even sweeping away attempts at rescue and help. Like FEMA and the rescue workers having to stall rescue efforts due to conspiracy theories being turned to 11 on the batshit crazy dial in North Carolina. This leads to people not getting the help they need, or turning help down due to some bullshit they heard online or on the airwaves.

Venus and Uranus then act as a base of a T-Square, apexing 4464 Vulcano, 10961 Buysballot, 8543 Tsunemi, and 85047 Krakatau all in Leo.

Yeah. Major losses recently from natural disasters like hurricanes, some seismic activity going off, talks of a dormant volcano (Mount Baker in Washington state) showing signs of rumbling, and we’re apexing a square between Uranus (sudden events) and Venus (property, valuables, money), and we’re apexing this major hard aspect to two asteroids representing volcanic activity, and another asteroid representing a tsunami, and the planet of money conjunct an asteroid representing typhoons, which is another word for hurricane.

On top of that, you apex this mess with an asteroid representing ballot box stuffing, and cheating on elections. Election cheating, you know, like staging an insurrection after losing an election.

The Takeaway: This set of aspects really shows a heightened time of massive property loss and damage from natural disasters, poor planning in some aspects, and people in power or seeking power taking advantage of the situation, while also spouting lies, conspiracy theories, and using those afflicted to pursue power. And spread pain on top of that, given the Mars-Chiron complex.

Now imagine those people getting back in or consolidating power. Say goodbye to disaster relief, good sense, and good stewardship in the future not just here in the U.S., but worldwide.

Pluto’s Power

It’s not all doom and gloom, however. Pluto actually gives us some hope.

Pluto in Capricorn trine 128 Nemesis in early Libra, and trine 5180 Ohno retrograde in late Taurus and Sedna retrograde in early Gemini makes an interesting Grand Trine.

Pluto is, of course, the lord of the underworld. Death and rebirth, destruction and renewal. The trine to Nemesis (retribution, enemies), and the other trines to Ohno (just as it sounds like: “oh no”) and Sedna (betrayal by the masculine) do give some potential avenues to those abusing power getting their just deserts. Some plots could even be foiled.

Pluto opposite 12927 Pinocchio (falsehoods, “nose growing when lying”, cutting strings, being a puppet) in late Cancer, this does point to some reckoning for those who would snare people into being puppets. The strings are getting cut soon, I would think. Some who are pawns may find they are outliving their usefulness.

Pluto sextile Neptune retrograde (itself conjunct fixed star Scheat) in Pisces is a longer-term aspect that allows for us to see past deceptions if we open our eyes. We may even be able to see disasters coming with enough foresight, though we need to be ready to act on the information we access. We also can go within during this time and combat destructive self-delusions now. This can even manifest as defeating addiction, or recommitting to the demise of already-defeated self-destructive behaviors.

Venus in Scorpio and 5325 Silver in early Sagittarius, sextile Pluto, and Venus trine Neptune retrograde is also a welcome influence. Silver is another money asteroid, and this being with Venus here and sextile Pluto could be beneficial. Think paying the ferryman of the river Styx for safe passage, or to bring back a mentor of the past to impart some desperately-needed information for a quest.

Venus opposite Ohno retrograde and Sedna retrograde does warn us against implicitly trusting those who claim to be saviors now. Don’t get taken in by false prophets, or the promise of false profits.

In Closing

This culmination of the current lunar cycle brings with us challenges, struggles, and warnings. But there’s also hope to be had.

There is a growing flavor and threat of violence brewing as we can see to the harsher Mars and Pluto aspects to this Full Moon. And there’s the major potential for major financial and relational losses, as well as scams, rug pulls, and deceptions galore.

But there’s also the potential to put some of the more deeper threats to bed for good. That and the potential that a few more wake up and see past the lies. Or at the very least, start questioning the party line and the dogma that they’ve been fed.

Just don’t feed into newer delusions and self-deceptions.

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. But we must be strong, and we must be ready to confront that which is tormenting us.

Heal thyself.