Solar Eclipse Libra – October 2024


It’s fitting that with all the chaos going on that we would go into another Solar Eclipse just now. This one comes after the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces earlier in the month, and this one won’t be visible unless you’re in the south Pacific or in the southern half of South America, in particular Argentina and Chile. If you’re down that way, it should be quite the show.

I wonder what this will mean for seismic events down in the Andes?

The Solar Eclipse Itself

The Solar Eclipse hits peak intensity at 10 Lib 03’48” on October 2nd, 2024 at 11:49 AM PDT / 6:49 PM UTC. This Solar Eclipse also hits in the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra. Partnerships, relationships, unions, alliances, these all fall into focus for longer than the usual several months I used to say, and I’ll explain below.

Where I previously figured these last until the next set of eclipses, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that Solar and Lunar eclipses can be felt from as little as several months, to as long as a year or maybe even two. Possibly longer. The safe bet for the effects of this and other eclipses would be twelve to eighteen months.

Over the next year or so, therefore, our links to others and our more significant relationships will either be beginning, ending, or undergoing some serious changes. This Eclipse also takes effect in the beginning of Libra’s second decan, giving it an Aquarian and Saturnian/Uranian vibe. Do not expect “my way or the highway” to go well. Be flexible if you want to continue having partnerships. Karmic relationships are also something that will be addressed for the foreseeable future.

Given the Sun conjunct Moon aspect that accompanies all New Moons and Solar Eclipses, it’s a time of new beginnings. Fresh starts, all that and blah blah. Fact of the matter is we have South Node in Libra still, so this still isn’t the greatest time for declaring “happy ever after.” Honestly, looking at the broader world, it’s a wonder any unions and structures are still standing. Only the most stable, secure, and meant to last will endure.

Of course, there is the possibility to consider for once the Nodes change signs: Maybe you meet someone now who later on becomes a significant partner in some way, be it business, romantic, or some other type of long-term relationship.

People with natal placements from 5 to 15 degrees in the cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, Aries, and Pisces will have much more pronounced impact in connection to this Solar Eclipse. If your Vertex falls in 9 to 11 degrees Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn, or if this is coming within a couple days of your Solar Return, then you can expect a very significant year or so.

Other Aspects to the Solar Eclipse

Shadows Unbounded

Solar Eclipse Libra conjuncts Mercury and Black Moon Lilith, and makes a wide (almost 6 degrees) square to Mars in Cancer.

Solar Eclipse Libra with Mercury in Libra relates to messages, emails, texts, social media messages, and so forth. Expect new relations and breakups to occur over these mediums, and I would also argue a fair amount of movement to participate in encounters.

It gets a little more interesting with Black Moon Lilith in the picture. Women’s issues come to the surface, and as this is in the final month or so of a contentious election period, expect the message and topic of women’s rights, particularly bodily autonomy, to be front and center stage. There’s also the fact that Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee, so this Eclipse also plays into that on a global level.

Black Moon Lilith also deals with the hidden, the occult, and things that are standing by in the shadows, in the dark. Back room deals, especially with the conjunction to Mercury, are also quite likely with this configuration. Deals are being made now, on all sides I would reckon.

The wide square to Mars, this is a contentious point but fortunately is a little muted with the wide orb. Mars in Cancer already heats things up on the home front in ways, and also plays into the bodily autonomy thing as Mars can also indicate potency and raw passion, but also violence and forcefulness. There’s a subtle element of forcing things in private, and fire plus water gives off a lot of steam. In some cases? Steam explosions. There will be fights regarding expectations in matters of procreation and whether such occurrences should come to term and who has say.

Obviously the woman who’s carrying. Lilith is also not known for laying down passively for the missionaries, after all, nor should she (unless she chooses to do so per free will).

Pride Before a Fall

Solar Eclipse Libra also squares 1930 Lucifer in Cancer and Ceres in Capricorn. Given the above conjunction, this is also playing into the further themes of the election and the progress of women and autonomy in the greater world.

Lucifer in the household could represent the “man of the house”, the dominating boyfriend, or someone who wants to prove they’re not an incel or some bullyish nonsense.

Lucifer in the sign of Cancer could also represent a strong pride in the house and in private affairs. Opposing Ceres in Capricorn, a sign associated with government, institutions, and career and business, there’s some give and take here. And with Ceres also squaring the Solar Eclipse, it comes to a head for sure.

Ceres is the home and hearth, and would be more at home in Cancer, in my view. Here, in Capricorn, Ceres is having to deal with the public and business end of things, and dealing with institutional encroachment into the affairs of the domicile. You know, like laws that make it harder to make decisions about home life, to say nothing of medical decisions.

The arguments, debate, and lawsuits regarding such matters are expected to continue, and at least on the American side, this election will have far-reaching consequences. Lilith will not give up without a fight.

Solar Eclipse Libra also conjuncts 2031 BAM widely, further adding power and emphasis on many matters related to this Eclipse. There’s a danger of domestic violence, terrorism, and governmental and other institutional force involved, I would say. Be aware.

Other Noteworthy Aspects During the Solar Eclipse

Malevolent Masculine vs Divine Feminine

Mars in Cancer square 4386 Lust and 2598 Merlin in Libra (outside the Eclipse range) and also square 875 Nymphe retrograde and 829 Academia retrograde paints one hell of an interesting picture.

Mars square Lust alone can point to forcible sex, rape, and other atrocities, be it in war or otherwise. Merlin involved here could indicate some abuse of arcane knowledge and power in this as well. This could be a cult leader taking advantage of their coven, sex magick used against a third party for malevolent purposes (I have experienced being targeted by this in the past, I am certain).

Mars square Nymphe retrograde can also indicate the unbridled passions can backfire drastically. Perhaps a would-be attacker gets knocked in the nuts and escape is possible.

With Mars square Academia, the assault on education, learning, and knowledge will likely continue by those seeking to abuse power. The sexual asteroids involved also tells me that vulnerable students on college campuses should be very careful and aware of their surroundings to not fall victim to sexual assault, especially now. This affects all sexes and genders.

Mars also is conjunct fixed star Sirius during this eclipse. This could possibly mitigate some of the worst impulses of Mars in Cancer. Another possibility given all the aspects listed here could indicate another scandal revealed involving the military, or in warfare, such as soldiers violating and/or killing civilians.

On another note, some metalworking artists could be inspired to create some rather graphic art pieces now, especially if the above themes are invoked or channeled.

This is getting rather dark. Moving on.

Working in the Mists

A Water Grand Trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces adds to the mystery.

Scorpio Venus is a little debilitated, considering it’s in one of its opposite signs of rulership (Taurus). Venus here has a more sensual if not sexual feel, raw beauty, raw attraction, and I dare say coveting. Venus also conjuncts 37117 Narcissus and 3402 Wisdom here, and opposes 157 Dejanira, so be alert for those working for their own gains at all costs, even the stability of others. But Wisdom may temper some of the worst impulses of this alignment and force some second thoughts.

Mars in Cancer interacting with Venus here tempers things somewhat. More adventurous couples may have some good fun here, or it could end up leading into a weekend of lazy bliss for some. This may not be the worst thing to happen in some encounters. Venus trine Lucifer could also indicate some pride in the darker side of attraction, such as some darker or more sensual forms of art and valuables. Erotica, nude art (as opposed to the other stuff… think of the painting The Birth of Venus). It’s all there.

Saturn in the third point of the Water Grand Trine… this is in Pisces, and retrograde. It’s splashing some cooler water in the face and fogging up the rose-colored glasses a bit. But it’s also being tempered by objective reality as opposed to illusions and daydreams.

Overall, this could be a time where some will be more fortunate in having some good partnerships, unions, friends with benefits that are going well, could even become more. That only seems to be working for those who have done the healing work, confronted their shadows, and are generally content with their situations and partnerships at the moment.

This could also be a year or so where some of us confront what we really want in terms of lust versus love. Keep in mind those contentious Mars squares to key asteroids: Make sure these flings and affairs are healthy ones.

The best affairs are healthy ones with a trusty sworn partner. Think a weekend getaway with your husband or wife, or something similar. Second honeymoons, that kind of thing.

Opportunities to Recover

Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries might allow us to recover some footing.

Jupiter in Gemini isn’t in its happiest spot (given that it opposes its home sign of Sagittarius), but is still able to expand things a bit for good or ill. Jupiter conjunct 2629 Rudra further plays into this as I see Rudra as an “amplifier” asteroid. Whatever is going on here in people’s natal charts and in interactions to personal points will be ramped up a bit.

Chiron retrograde in Aries is forcing us to confront what has wounded us to our core, and to notate and take measures to heal this pain and get on with our lives. Jupiter sextile Chiron here allows for some minor journeys of discovery. Maybe a day trip somewhere to clear the head or at least get out of that hometown or other town you just need to get the hell out of for a bit.

Go for a drive or something and just chill for a little. Or walk. Or take a train. Or paint a picture of trains, I don’t know. Do something optimistic and take an opportunity for some self-care.

Changing Things Up

Neptune retrograde in Pisces on fixed star Scheat is in a unique position of sextiling Pluto retrograde in late Capricorn, and also sextiling Uranus retrograde on Algol in Taurus.

There’s a lot to take in and unpack here.

Neptune retrograde in its own sign of Pisces forces us to confront our illusions and delusions. With Scheat here, there’s also the possibility of succumbing to, or reinforcing resistance to addictions. Do be careful with accidental poisonings. A good time to look over your diet and supplements as well, and make sure you’re not eating something that ends up putting you in the hospital. There are some wild interactions out there that only a YouTube surfer could love.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn will soon station direct, and begin its final journey out of Capricorn for good (for the next couple of centuries). Entrenched power structures are showing up for a last stand, in a matter of saying. With a sextile to Neptune here, some of their deceptions can be exposed before they can continue to do severe damage, or prevented from doing as much severe damage.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus alone is contentious, but with Algol, it’s much easier to lose our heads. The retrograde forces us to stop and think for a second and rethink some of the more potential self-destructive actions. With a trine to Pluto and sextile to Neptune, we can stop and consider the consequences of some of the more contentious actions, and choose another path rather than act surprised when we find out after we… ahem… fool around.

There is a potential for carnage with Neptune retrograde opposite 149 Medusa in late Virgo. Make sure you’re not trying to win over a false friend who will just leave you tossed aside in the end like a broken statue. Trust, but verify, and make sure you don’t get betrayed.

In Closing

This Solar Eclipse in Libra opens a period of tremendous changes, and a great deal is coming from out of the shadows into the light. Deceptions are running rampant, but there’s an element of hope.

Confront the deceptions, confront the illusions, and do not allow yourself to become “delulu.” Throwing our hands up and saying “it can’t be helped” isn’t the idle play that will win the day.

This is the time to fight, but fight smart, and don’t try to tackle a porcupine. Pick your battles wisely. It’s easy to pick a battle you can win but still end up costing yourself the war.

Sometimes, you may just need to keep your winning plays in the shadows after all, and wait for the right moment. That’s what the alignments overall tell me.

Be safe out there.