Welcome to the final New Moon of 2024, ringing in the New Year. It certainly won’t be a quiet lunar cycle.
The New Moon Itself
New Moon Capricorn hits peak intensity at 09 Cap 43’41” on December 30th, 2024 at 2:26 PM PST / 10:26 PM UTC.
With this New Moon in Capricorn, it’s in the tenth sign of the zodiac. Our reputations, legacies, careers, and themes of governing institutions and structures are in full focus. Quite fitting, really, given the political changes occurring during this lunar cycle, which will affect our careers and how things progress publically.
Sun conjunct Moon, as always, initiates a cycle of new beginnings and projects. In this Saturn-ruled sign, discipline and setting new intentions are the big theme here. Quite appropriate as many people make New Year’s resolutions around this time. Perhaps some will stick this time.
Other Aspects to the New Moon
A Little More Discipline?
New Moon Capricorn makes a wide sextile to Saturn in Pisces. This is somewhat helpful given Saturn’s fixing our daydreams down to the ground and forcing us to see the reality of situations.
With the weak sextile, the stark reality can be more easily dealt with now. This is further amplified by the New Moon being in one of Saturn’s signs.
Don’t Get Tied Down
We also have to consider New Moon Capricorn conjunct Pholus, 1181 Lilith, and 3402 Wisdom. We would be wise to not get distracted by temptations. The more lustful and intoxicating side of life can derail progress if we let it.
This is doubly true as New Moon Capricorn also squares 407 Arachne in Libra. These distractions can serve to ensnare us and slow us down this cycle, so keep your eye on the ball.
New Moon Capricorn trine 1981 Midas retrograde in Virgo gives us an opportunity to reexamine some leads we’ve probably missed, or some details that may have been overlooked before.
Other Notable Aspects During the New Moon
Balancing Hidden Dangers
Chiron retrograde in Aries opposite Black Moon Lilith and 389 Industria in Libra makes for a troublesome set of give and take.
The Chiron-Black Moon Lilith opposition alone, given current news regarding H5N1 is particularly worrisome to me. Given that the last time Chiron and Black Moon Lilith were in exact conjunction was in early March 2020, around the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. So we are right to be very concerned right now.
The Industria link further amplifies this as this avian flu virus is affecting livestock, largely in California, which I’m certain is not good for the agriculture industry. It’s even affecting cougars in certain parts of the country, in particular the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state, so it’s already jumping species.
There are already human infections, but those came from contact with sickened animals, not human-to-human transmission. Let’s pray it stays that way.
There’s also the Chiron retrograde quincunx to Juno and 2031 BAM in Scorpio angle to consider with this. Contracts, marriages, agreements, these could blow up in our faces. Transition of power, even.
Recognize Scams
Venus in Aquarius square Uranus retrograde in Taurus could be tricky, as we could be feeling that we can make our own surprises. Those surprises could blow up in our faces though, whether through bad investments, not jumping onto solid opportunities, or otherwise expecting a change that doesn’t come.
Fortunately, Uranus is off of Algol for the moment, so some of us won’t be as prone to losing our heads.
Venus sextile 8690 Swindle in Sagittarius should help with not falling for scams, however, if we’re paying attention. Do pay attention, as Swindle is also with Galactic Center, greatly amplifying the BS right now.
Dampened Optimism
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces really isn’t helping with the happy-go-lucky vibes we’d rather be feeling.
Jupiter is already weakened in Gemini, being in its detriment (as it’s opposing Sagittarius, where it’s more powerful). Squaring off against the disciplinarian and wet blanket of the planets, Saturn, further debilitates it.
We’ll have to rely more on discipline and hard work to get what we want, rather than falling into a bed of thornless roses (if there is such a thing).
Jupiter retrograde square 307 Nike and 8543 Tsunemi in Virgo also adds to this. We want to just go and do things, but we’ve got enough undercurrent sweeping us off balance with a lot of details we either missed or need to address.
Fortunately, Jupiter retrograde trines 58534 Logos in Libra, bringing the possibility of partners and relationships revealing some kind of truth that we need to see to keep some hope alive.
Jupiter retrograde trine 11144 Radiocommunicata in Aquarius also smooths things over, revealing a possibility of better news over the airwaves and in broadcasts.
Potential for Crazy News
Not to contradict the Jupiter-Radiocommunicata link, but we do have Mercury in Sagittarius making a series of serious hard aspects. Brace yourselves.
Mercury square Saturn and widely opposite Jupiter retrograde makes a weak T-Square by itself. These three bodies alone in this formation adds an air of unpleasant news that screws with our hopes and optimism just a bit. It gets “better…”
There’s also Mercury squaring Nessus and 564 Dudu, also in Pisces. Nessus is a real bastard as asteroid astrology goes, being the obsessive abuser of the minor bodies. Dudu adds to the “aw crap” factor. Expect further restraints, restrictions, and downright tyrannical messages and edicts.
Combine this with Mercury square 10961 Buysballot in Virgo, and the direction things are going this lunar cycle suggests corruption. Messages of corruption, players buying their way into positions of power, it’s a mess.
If anyone’s been following X (formerly Twitter, or as I like to call it, “XTwitter”) lately, Elon Musk, um, kinda went on a tirade following some statements he and Vivek Ramaswamy made regarding the H1-B visa and bringing over engineering talent to American companies. This didn’t go well with the, ahem, America First wing of MAGA, sparking what seems to have been a mini-civil war in that movement.
Total mess.
Mercury conjunct 55555 DNA also plays into some of the other aspects already discussed, such as the H5N1 viral mutations, I think another Covid mutation, and whether or not Elon Musk is using alternate accounts as alter egos. Lots of morphing. (I’m not 100% certain on the “sock puppet” account thing, so we’ll file this under “speculation”).
Red Alert
To continue the hits: Mars retrograde in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, both squaring 157 Dejanira in Taurus. This is not a good T-Square to have.
Mars opposite Pluto alone is conflict. Mars retrograde makes it even more dicey as our passions, drive, and get-up-and-go is flustered with the reverse motion. Adding the square to Dejanira, the victim’s asteroid, on top of that, and we’ve got some serious potential for abuse.
14827 Hypnos and 2601 Bologna, also in early Taurus, are also conjunct Dejanira, further bringing them into this T-Square. Not fun.
Think of people who have been hypnotized, believing a bunch of baloney, seeing the conflict and realizing they’ve been taken in as fools and suckers. Now, add to that some of these people are very likely armed.
It’s a recipe for disaster. Be mindful of your surroundings if you go out on New Year’s Eve.
A Chance to Chill Out a Little
Pluto in Aquarius does make a sextile to both the North Node in early Aries, and Neptune in late Pisces. Mars retrograde in Leo trines the same.
This makes a bit of a wedge pattern, which may help smooth things over just a little bit. With the softer aspects to Neptune, there’s a chance some wisdom from beyond, or some inner guidance helps some people to not take more… contentious paths.
The North Node won’t be as affected by the softer aspects, but perhaps we can use this to see alternate ways of getting to where we need to be. Maybe take the frustration building up, and run it through our minds, and see if there’s an avenue to achieving some goals that we either missed or didn’t consider before.
In Closing
This New Moon in Capricorn proves to be the beginning of a potentially fruitful, but also quite troubling lunar cycle.
There’s a lot of chaos and a lot of lies in play right now, as well as the potentiality for a disastrous new pandemic if some mutations go the wrong way. Let’s hope that this does not happen. Prepare for the possibility, however. Definitely take care of your health and any injuries or weaknesses you may have that would jeopardize your well-being. Even if not the worst, there’s still sniffles and colds out there that can dampen our days too.
But the big thing I’m seeing is the impending chaos in the government sphere, as well as the asteroids and planets telling us that there’s some really shady shit happening. Not that we need astrology to tell us this, but as above, so below, zeitgeist and all that. The themes are here, and power is being bought and traded like they’re stocks on an unholy stock market. Or shitcoins on a crypto exchange. Either one.
Be ready for anything.
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